I am not complaining since I have the luxury of deciding my own hours working. That just takes a lot of discipline, but I have plenty of that. After taking responsibility over my health and deciding for once and all to get it sorted I made up a mantra. While loosing my 120 something pounds I would say that mantra over and over in my head.
I called it the 3 D plan (maybe I should copyright this, haha!). Determination, Discipline and Dedication. That easy, or that hard, however you choose to look at it! I actually read those three words in a Navy magazine and just applied it to my weight loss and health goals. Of course the plan was more then a mantra but wont go into that now!
Anyway! This is not a post about my incredible weight loss (yeah I'm still damn proud!) but I wanted to tell you about my weekend here in the sometimes sunny Spain.
Started of a rainy Saturday with joining some friends for a birthday party for a one year old. Of course there were more adults there then kids, enjoying the beer and some scrumptious Jamaican cooking. OK, I don't know a lot about kids but what one year old has a bunch of friends anyway? Just a good reason to party I guess, fine with me!
Then me and the husband went book shopping! One of my favorite things in the world is to wander around in a book store, book stores excite me tremendously (love that word)! I didn't even buy anything this time, was just happy as can be strolling the aisles judging books by their front covers and reading the back cover of the ones that appealed to me.
Later in the evening husband and I visited our great Swedish friends and had taco dinner at their home. We were supposed to stream this Swedish music festival, Melodifestivalen (the winner goes to the European song contest, I will explain all this in a later post), but the darn servers were too busy! We had a fabulous time youtoub'ing it though and accompanied it with chocolates and Cava!
Today was incredible since we actually had fabulously hot sun for like four hours! I mean I was sweating out there and loving it! We made the most of it and took a drive to Chipiona and spent hours walking around this picturesque beach town and basking in the simple pleasure.
I have a suspicion that this upcoming week will be a very exciting one, the feel of spring is in the air and I am smiling!
I love the feeling of Spring, and wandering bookstores is my favorite way to spend extra free time I have while I'm out! There are always so many amazing things to look at.
Man I am so jealous you are sweating in the Spanish sun!
I just copied down your 3D plan and posted it right on my cork board where I can see it everyday. Good advice!
As it has been "snaining" (snow and rain!) everyday here for a while, the gorgeous Spanish views are perfect!
You lucky! I'm cooped up at home with 'flu!
Big Congrats on the weight loss! Always brag, it's something TO definitely brag about!
I like the "triple D" idea also, makes it hit home. I may add a "4" one to it, DRIVE!
Enjoy spring! I think it's coming here too!
yes, spring and books totally rock, and if you combine them... Oh my gooood! ;)
Brandi and Diana - Glad you liked the 3D plan, just makes you realize that it is all up to 'you'!
Johana - aww, get better soon! I am finally over my darn cold and love how you actually apreciate your health more after being sick!
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