This blog follows no particular theme. My constant craving soul just wont allow it! This is my musings on wisdom, travels, life in Spain, kettlebells, running, rock music and so much more.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The horror of a habitual life

This little world of blogging, how fortunate that I stumbled upon you. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started this blog about a month ago. My first blog experience was of high remembrance and very scary. It must have been about three years ago when my friend told me to check out this blog she was following. She said that it made her laugh and I did come to understand why. She was not laughing with the blogger but at how foolish the blogger was behaving. Don't ask me the name of the blog, really don't remember, but it was some blond Swedish bimbo basically taking pictures of herself drunk. The rest of the content is a blank, I must have, in a state of trauma, hidden it in some dark place within my memory. Oh the horror, I was now scarred!

So anyway, after seeing that I quickly decided that the blog world was no world where I wanted to linger. That is until one night. I was bored, my school books had not arrived from Sweden so I couldn't start studying. I basically just hung around all day and then one night while streaming some crappy TV-show I just decided to do it. Thank God for the delay in the school, or else I might never have experienced writing this blog, and what is most horrific would have been that I would have missed out on reading all these spectacular blogs that actually are out there! It is so motivating to read what all of these (you) funky, cool and oh so intelligent people have to say. When reading these life stories I often get reminded how great people can be and inspire me to be great as well.

Talking about inspirational blogs, a few days ago I started thinking about something Brooke and Mango were doing in their amazing blogs. They have both made a list of 101 things that they will complete within 1001 days. When I read some of what was on the lists it was like a big fat wake up call! Why not? Why wait around? Just write a list of things I want to do, eat, try, buy and so on and just freaking do it! So yeah, I will.

I have been so blessed with my life and I have already done so many crazy, wonderful and glittering things. But there is still SO much that I want to do! Since I started writing on my list (I am at number 35 so far) I have already realized what an unconscious effect it has on my life. Just the other day I went to the grocery store, I bypassed most of the food I regularly buy and went for all these goodies that I in the past had neglected (like a butternut squash!). It was then I realized I was stuck in a habitual kind of life and had been postponing my needed to try new things.
Close-up of a butternut squash

I just adore how I now walk around with a more open mind, finding things that I have yet not tried, remembering things I always wanted to try and reaching inside me to find what I have always wanted to do.


Johana Hill said...

I remember the first time I bought a butternut squash! ;) That was one of the longest time I've spent in the kitchen!

Follow your dreams!

Agnes said...

Your post is so inspiring, really love it, it's so true. You know.. I decided to give you an award you can get it here :

Have a nice day and keep up your wonderful work :))

AgyTalks from

Annika said...

Johana- lucky that I like spending time in the kitchen!!! Hmmm, I think some food posts are in order for the future!

Agy- Thank you thank you thank you!!!! Now lets start living, haha!